对自己不知所措。 面对生活不知所措 对家人,对朋友,对一确的关系都不知所措。 对过去不知所措 对未来也不知所措 对知道,不知道的事不知所措 在客观和主观同一个时间出现在自己身上的时候不知所措 不知怎么道面对自己时不知所措 面对不同价值观冲突时不知所措
"Being Simple is A Treasure of Life So Be Simple" - Tai Lee Yang. Why simple ? Because the nature itself is simple, the river, the mountain and the beautiful scenery are all present to us in a simple way. The only complicated creature is us -ourself- the human so go back to the basic, go back to the nature then you will appreciate the beauty of being SIMPLE!!!!