' 历练'
当你已知道你要什么的时侯,你把每这个时点都标在一条时光遂道上,每天你就望着遂道一点一点的流失,怀着复杂的心情看着物和人从你身边徊荡,想着这些“人”和“物”都会在某一个时点为你的历史,然后经过了无数的光和热,你发觉你也慢慢的沉淀在这条岁月隧道里。那就是你的 ' 历练'
"Being Simple is A Treasure of Life So Be Simple" - Tai Lee Yang. Why simple ? Because the nature itself is simple, the river, the mountain and the beautiful scenery are all present to us in a simple way. The only complicated creature is us -ourself- the human so go back to the basic, go back to the nature then you will appreciate the beauty of being SIMPLE!!!!