在樱花撒满地的季节。。陪伴夕阳身影的往往都是你独自一人,来来回回,手心溜过无数次的相遇。唯有在满地樱花下徘徊,直到夕阳的余光把身影消失于长长得余晖地平线。然后我把自己的脚步留下,用这首诗来纪念樱花与我的情怀: 樱花色,南风别, 背影嘘,不相望, 来生问,今世缘, 樱花雨,夕阳谢!
"Being Simple is A Treasure of Life So Be Simple" - Tai Lee Yang. Why simple ? Because the nature itself is simple, the river, the mountain and the beautiful scenery are all present to us in a simple way. The only complicated creature is us -ourself- the human so go back to the basic, go back to the nature then you will appreciate the beauty of being SIMPLE!!!!