Chinese New Year is over - I am back to Shanghai!!!
Well! It is seem like yesterday, time fly and now I am back to work. This CNY holiday have a lot of different meaning to me. I need to organize my thought before I can share it in my blog, anyway, one thing for sure I knew CNY was just like another holiday and I do not have much to feel now day.
May be I realize I can't control much of my own way of living which make me feel there are no more desire to celebrate CNY .................I suddently realize I spent less and less time on my own way of celebrating CNY because I let go many many memory and the wonderful feel of CNY .
I try to recall what have I gethered from the past one week of CNY and I will try to write down my memory journey and how I loss the kind of wonderful CNY feel......I will try to record in my next few blog as to how and what have happend during the recent CNY and I want to write it down so that I can find out why! may be someday in the future.